King's Head Theatre 2018
Photo: Alex Brenner
King's Head Theatre
9th January - 3rd February 2018
Written by
Steven Berkoff
Lighting Designer & Production Manager
David Doyle
Directed by
Jessica Lazar
Movement Direction by
Yvan Karlsson
Produced by
Tom Ford & Bridie Bischoff
Music Direction by
Carol Arnopp
Designed by
Anna Lewis
Brought to you by the winners of the 2016 Carol Tambor Best of Edinburgh Award, this new production of Steven Berkoff’s influential masterpiece opens at the King’s Head Theatre, where EAST made its London debut in 1975.
“Tell how it chanced that we sworn mates were once the deadly poison of each other’s eye...”
Still as startlingly original as it was then, EAST is assaultive, riotously funny, and entirely unapologetic. Mike and Les strut through their manor - the Commercial Road - brawling, swearing and living for the moment in all its dubious glory. Their first encounter is a fight over Mike’s girl Sylv yet they become sworn mates, thick as tea leaves. And then we meet the fascist Dad and the faded Mum… and can’t help but hope for more for Mike, Les and Sylv.
A cast of five and a live pianist, twists and turns of foul-mouthed verse and explosions of personality will plunge you into interior worlds you might never want to crawl out of.